FMA Error Proofing Torque Wrench
Confirm the completion of your tightening processes by counting the number of times the torque wrench “clicks” indicating that it achieved the set torque. With the FMA system, a wireless module sends a signal to a receiver box. The receiver box can be connected directly to a PLC or to Tohnichi CNA-4mk3 Count Checker, which counts the clicks and gives alerts to the worker. FMA features 900 MHz for those facilities that have restrictions on using the standard 2.4Ghz version FH256MC.
- 900 MHz frequency.
- Multiple Wrench to One Receiver Capabilities*.
- Robust Plastic Case with Internal Antenna.
- Transceiver Powered by Standard Coin Battery (CR2032).
- FHSS Technology decreases interference and increases signal capacity.
- Transmission Distance 10-20 Meters (30-60 Feet).
- Communication Transmission Confirmation Light.
- Easily change the frequency with SB-FMA Controller Box (Sold Separately).
- Order Wrench and Receiver Box to complete system.
- Receiver Box R-FMA can be connected directly to DC24V or with Optional (AC Adapter #00T200414A).
- Optional Accessory: FHSLS-PVC Protector for Module.
- Optional LAN Output Version Available.
- Optional Equipment: CNA-4mk3 Count Checker, counts click signals to confirm torque tightening in lieu of PLC.
- Alternate Model: FH256MC with 2.4GHz signal.
- Use T-FMA Transceiver Module to convert LS (wired) torque wrenches to wireless.